Monday, March 23, 2009

That Sunday coming back from Karate. Suddenly there was a small little temple in the basement. Saturday morning prayers. How I stood there reciting things I didn't fully understand or get. Until eighth grade I did this. This thing I did mainly for my parents. Slowly, I started to go halfway in or not at all. I stopped going all together. The holidays and some ideas I get, but not all.
It's the practices, beliefs, and ideas from others that unhinged my mind. Since elementary school, there were days devoted to ethnicities from around the world. The research of our cultures in english and social studies classes. It was seeing the world from the perspective friends and peers.

It's the finding of you're own beliefs and being able to use them that sets you free. The simpler the rules the more content a person tends to be. They should open you to the world, not cage you in to yourself.


  1. I can relate to what your talking about. As I started to get older I found myself going to church less and less and now I barely even go.

  2. I think this is really good. You defiantly get the feel that this person feels almost obligated to their religion and that its more like a routine and not something they may want in life. I also like the line " This thing I did mainly for my parents" Sometimes parents put such a heavy load on their kids that it just is not fair nor right.

  3. I feel liek the person is so into the religion. That the person really wants to get involved with it alot. That was very good.

  4. I like how you discussed your perspective on religion in a very down-to-earth way, without going over the top with a fantasy story. The analogy to a cage and setting yourself free in the end is great!

  5. This piece is relatable, to not only religion but many other aspects of life. For example, the parents forcing you to do something or go somewhere where you don't know anything. I jate going to weddings of people I don't know or never met. But, I understand how it is hard to understand the prayers. It takes a lot of time. this piece is respectful!

  6. I really like the idea behind the story. I especially liked the end "It's the finding of you're own beliefs and being able to use them that sets you free."

  7. i liked how you wrote with your perspective on relgion. good job.
