Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I read for various reasons. The main reason why though is because it lets me escape. I can let my imagination escape, let it wander into the literary realm of what I'm reading. I get to put myself into the characters place going on fantastic adventures, fighting off the harsh realities of life in the book and in life. One of the books that really sparked my interest was Ordinary People. We read it in class last semester, but I read it before also. It made me feel like I could relate to the characters, like they were going through things that I was facing as well. It also let me make connections to a show I thoroughly enjoyed, Six Feet Under. I got excited when I was able to make connections between different types of media, entertainment, and art. It made me think about how everything is not how it seems and everyone has their own problems going on. It made me think beyond myself and about others. It's one of those books that didn't neccessarily start my love for reading, but one that stands out.

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